Eligibility criteria

Doctors, scientists, research and development professionals, nursing and paramedical professionals, hospitals / organizations, educational institutions, manufacturers of medical equipment, healthcare IT companies, healthtech start-ups, pharmaceutical companies can participate in VHIA 2019.

Self nomination/nomination by colleague is permitted.

Maximum of two entries per participant/organization are permitted.

Participants can apply as an independent consultant or as representatives of a team, institute or organization.

Principal investigator (any member/researcher in the team) will be the representative of team projects and innovations.

Participating organization should be a registered organisation in India.

Innovations should be completely executed in the Indian scenario.

Innovations that are ideated and executed in the last five years are only eligible.

Winners and participants of medical innovation awards conducted last year (VISA 2018) are not eligible to participate with the same innovation.

Participants are requested to review the award categories and evaluation criteria before nomination.